Morticulture is the study of life found in dead and dying things. From ghost forests to whale falls to the much lauded concept of “creative destruction”, Morticulture itself isn’t new, but it is newly named.

After playing in various bands for years and watching them decompose as members moved across the country or the world, Dann Spohn, Dara Smith, Mike Serna, and Conan Zimmerman were ready for something new. They decided that it was time to torch the whole affair and, after waiting a responsible amount of time for the embers to stop smoking, build a new city where the old one had stood.

Morticulture hails the savage moonscape of Phoenix, Arizona. Playing indie rock with punk elements and some synth touches, Morticulture is just sprouting forth from the fertile ground left after the flood. They will be releasing music throughout 2016 and expect to be performing frequently in the Phoenix area.

